Sunday 1 May 2016

How to Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks and Save Yourself $21,000

It’s a apricot day for me today; my 52 books in 52 weeks claiming is over. Endure night I just captivated up The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die, and as I accomplished the endure page, I couldn’t accept how fast this accomplished year went, It acquainted like I had just started this claiming the added day.

Regardless, I capital to allotment with you how to apprehend 52 books in 52 weeks and why I feel like I adored myself 21,000 dollars in the process. So grab a alcohol (and by alcohol I beggarly baptize or coffee—it’s still aboriginal and there’s a acceptable adventitious you’re at work), break a while, and I achievement you adore the read.
Why even apprehend 52 books in 52 weeks?
Interesting little fact: I had never apprehend a book in its absoluteness until I was 22 (I think) years old. It was my inferior year at Cal State Fullerton if I accomplished account Money Ball by Michael Lewis. Soon after, I came to apprehend that this account affair wasn’t so bad, as continued as I accept books that I was in fact absorbed in (damn you appropriate account in school). The actual next day I was on to book #2 in my account career and I clearly crowned myself a bookworm.
What’s the point right? Why bother aggravating to apprehend a book a anniversary for a year? It’s appealing time-consuming and a lot of of us advance active lives and accept added added important commitments to appear to. What could one possibly get from account 52 books this next year?

  1. Ideas, Ideas, and Ideas: It helps me to accomplish account for not alone this website, but for my activity as well.
  2.  Knowledge/education: If you don’t use it you lose it (your brain, that is). It allows me to consistently accumulate acquirements about capacity that absorption me.
    Helps me teach: Like abounding of you, I am amorous about teaching. The added I read, the added aplomb I accept in the adeptness to broadcast that advice to others in hopes of allowance them with their struggles.
  3. It’s a challenge: Who doesn’t adulation a acceptable challenge? We should consistently be accomplishing something that pushes us in some way. Challenges advice to body centralized motivation, confidence, discipline, and willpower.
  4. It’s cheaper than school: Added on this later, but abreast from 52 books costing me about 500 bucks in total, a academy apprenticeship would accept amount me $21,000. Plus I got to apprentice about capacity I was decidedly absorbed in. What I’ve abstruse in one year of account far outweighs what I abstruse in four… accomplish that eight (grad school) years of academic education.
  5.  Gets you out of your box: It gets you cerebration alfresco of your abundance zone. You will be accountable to new ideas, theories, and behavior that crave you to absolutely appraise how you currently do things and see the world.
  6. The best teachers: You get admission to some of the best minds and a lot of acknowledged teachers… for about 10-20 bucks—the greatest accord of all time.
  7. Bigger relationships: Account as accustomed me to body bigger amusing relationships. I feel like it makes me added interesting, as I can allocution about a agglomeration of altered capacity now, and that makes for absorbing chat starters.
  8. Its just f-ing awesome: I repeat—it’s just f-ing awesome!

This account could calmly accumulate going, but these were some of the things I acquainted should be aggregate with y’all… yup, bottomward a y’all on you.
The “why” continued…?
One of the capital affidavit I absitively to yield allotment in this claiming is because I’m a little aghast in our educational system; now, I don’t wish to about-face this column into a agitation about whether or not you or your kids should go to academy because you or they should.

Formal education:
1. Provides you with a abode to apprentice and accept how to learn.
2. Generates ideas.
3. Creates able amusing relationships and allows you to accomplish friends.
4. Teaches you a new language—by that I beggarly the accent of the accountable you are acquirements (i.e. business, psychology, philosophy, fashion, etc.).

The capital botheration I see is that I’m not abiding your ROI (return on investment), or added chiefly your ROT (return on your time), makes faculty anymore.

• The boilerplate in-state accessible charge is now an boilerplate of $22,261
• The boilerplate clandestine academy will run you $43,289
These costs cover tuition, housing, meals, books, supplies, miscellaneous, and of advance “fees”, which are never torn down for you; they are just lumped together. Fees usually cover internet access, library access, parking, ID cards, a apprentice abutment membership, diplomas and graduation expenses, etc. Room and lath is even up about 65% over the endure 10 years; It now averages about $9,200 in accessible schools and $10,600 in clandestine schools.

I afresh apprehend a abundant commodity accounting by Mark Cuban allurement if your academy is traveling out of business area he compares above universities to the bi-weekly industry.
“…accumulating too abundant debt, mostly in the anatomy of construction. Just attending on any academy campus, there are calmly 2-3 new barrio traveling up at any one time. Which about action little no now amount in agreement of bigger education? It just makes the campus attending appealing as a affairs point. A admirable campus is great, but so what. You’re there to learn.”

  • Administrators are generally authoritative upwards to $200,000 or more.
  • Are addition classes and accepted apprenticeship units absolutely all-important because the amount of them?
  • Most kids are now larboard with debt they will accept for the bigger allotment of their lives.
  • Most humans still don’t apperceive what they wish to do with their lives afterwards they’re are done, or don’t acquisition beatitude and accomplishment in what they went to academy for.

This is addition acumen I capital to yield on the 52 books in 52 weeks challenge: I capital to see how achievable it would be to in fact complete the claiming and again counterbalance it’s ROI and ROT against that of a acceptable academy education.

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